Monday, February 8, 2010

How to make Sushi Rice (Shari)

Japanese eat Sushi on special occasion, not every meal.

What you need:
uncooked rice/ 3cups
water/ fill to 3cups line in rice cooker bowl
vinegar/ 5 tablespoons
sugar/ 2 tablespoons
salt/ 1/2 tablespoon

Prepare: Vinegar, Sugar,and Salt mixing it together in small bowl.
1. Cook rice in rice cooker.
2. Place rice in large bowl.
3. Pour prepared vinegar mixture over the rice. Carefully by folding the rice.
4. Wait until it cools. (cover the bowl with damp cloth.)
5. When the rice is cooled, rice is ready to be made into Sushi.

I made Maki Sushi with this rice. You can also use it for any Sushi Rolls or Chirashi Sushi.


  1. For this recipe only...I will pass and ask you to come to my home because...somehow I tried to make Sushi-meshi so may times, but!!! Never ever succeeded. I'm dreaming about having temaki-sushi party with you then!!

  2. sans-chan, This Sushi rice taste like Japanese one. Not american sushi rice. Let's have Sushi party someday.

  3. It is the rolled sushi of a beautiful form!
    The recipe expressed in English becomes study very much.

  4. momoneko-chan, I bet you can make beautifull roll sushi!
